Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Precious Moments

No, not the little figurines. To be honest, I never really liked those :) What I am talking about are the precious moments that occur everyday. Am I present and tuned in to them or am I stuck in the past, projecting into the future, or just lost inside myself? 5 weeks ago I started a part time job. It has been a big adjustment, especially since I haven't worked regularly in over 6 years. Every mom knows about "Mommy Guilt". It comes with the territory of motherhood no matter what you do. I have experienced a new flavor of it since beginning my job.

"Am I spending enough quality time with the kids? Will they get everything they need from me? Are they feeling pushed aside or neglected now that I have less time with them? What am I missing while I am gone? How do I fit everything in?" 

These are just a few of the questions that have burdened me over the past few weeks. I know the root of all of these is fear and insecurity. So what do I do about it? Am I going to be part of the problem or the solution? Will I allow this stinkin' thinkin' to swallow me or will I do my best to swim to shore? I have chosen to keep swimming. Instead of focusing on what has changed and what I don't have, I am striving to zero in on what I do have and making the most of it.
I have precious moments all day long that make my heart smile if I just stay in the present! 

When I "live in the now" as Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) says in the movie Wayne's World, I get to experience so many amazing things that happen everyday.

 Today I had countless precious moments that I am thankful to have been truly present to experience and savor: good morning hugs from the kids, 5 minutes alone with Ella while waiting for the bus, peaceful 15 minute rides to and from work, the excited running and hugs from the kids when I came home, Cal's laughter just before bedtime, snuggling with the girls, hearing about the kids' April Fool's pranks, Mya hugging me tight even after I corrected her, and the hug from a stranger who I had the privilege of blessing today.

Thank you God for the many precious moments that you bless me with every day. Please help me to stay in the present with a positive outlook so I can experience all of them.

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